Todd Drezner, Director/Producer
Todd Drezner’s first documentary, Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic, screened at the United Nations for World Autism Awareness Day, won Best Documentary at the Peace on Earth Film Festival in Chicago, won the Social Consciousness Award at Vision Fest in New York, played at other film festivals around the country, and was nationally released on DVD and VOD. Todd’s second documentary, Ways to Go, about the intersection of cities, transportation, and race, is in post-production.
Before he started producing his own films, Todd worked as an editor of several award-winning documentaries that were released theatrically and aired on PBS Philadelphia and Ovation TV.
Logan Bockrath, Director of Photography
Logan Bockrath is a longtime resident of West Virginia. His work includes 62 Years, a short documentary that screened at the San Francisco Green Film Festival, Telluride Mountain Film, and the Wild and Scenic Film Festival, among others. He has also shot and produced numerous short films for a variety of West Virginia clients.
Copyright 2017 Todd Club Films, LLC
Website by MJW Design
Paid for by Todd Club Films, LLC
353 Ocean Avenue, #5C, Brooklyn, NY 11226 |347-351-9835
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